Visit also our digital publication Projektimaailma (Project World in English) – even though the publication is in Finnish, some articles there are published in English!


23.11.2021 Helsinki Airport Development Programme Is Project of The Year 2021

Helsinki Airport Development Programme, which won the title “Project of The Year 2021”, improves Helsinki Airport’s competitiveness in international air traffic, especially in wide-body aircraft traffic to Asia. The programme, which costs around billion euros started in 2014 and now approximately 90 percent of development is finished.

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24.09.2021 The Finnish Tax Administration Has Won 2nd Place in IPMA’s (International Project Management Association) Mega Project Series

The programme for modernising Finland’s tax system, Valmis, has been awarded the International Project Management Association’s (IPMA®) second place in the Mega Project Series for projects with a budget of more than €200 million.

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24.08.2021 New Agile Level B Certified’s Thoughts, Lihua Ying-Aho

We got a new IPMA® Agile certified when Lihua Ying-Aho from TietoEVRY got certified in June as IPMA Level B Certified Senior Agile Leader. She has previously gained her Level C certificate in 2013 and thought now was the time to step up one level and try for the Level B. With this she has joined the prestige group of higher level IPMA Agile certified people in Finland. Project Professionals Finland congratulate Ying-Aho!

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31.05.2021 IPMA® Project Management Championship Finnish Semi-final Winner has been Announced

National IPMA® Project Management Championship, PMC, Competition Semi-final was held in Finland the 28th of May. The win, and place in the International Competition, was secured by Team Rainbow from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Team members are Diana Codilla, Olli-Pekka Kaleva and Tiia Virtanen.

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22.04.2021 Association’s Annual Spring Meeting Was Held in Record Time

Association of Project Professionals Finland’s annual spring meeting was held in the early evening of 21st of April 2021. This time we gathered virtually.

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07.04.2021 Long-time Active Member Veikko Välilä has received IPMA’s Honorary Fellowship

Veikko Välilä has received international Honorary Fellowship in IPMA as the first Finn to do so. This honour is conferred only on persons rendering exceptional services for International Project Management Association (IPMA) or to the practice or theory of Project Management. Candidates for honorary fellowship are suggested by Member Associations and elected by the IPMA Council of Delegates.

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26.02.2021 Member News: Fujitsu Finland and UNICEF helping AI to consider Children’s Rights

Fujitsu Finland, a member of Project Professionals, is participating in UNICEF’s global AI for Children project as the only IT company from Finland. UNICEF has developed a policy guidance to help companies and officials utilising AI to recognise children’s rights. The aim is to protect children from harmful AI solutions and help them to benefit from AI.

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11.08.2020 Our Partner Adapro is Finland’s first Certified Carbon Neutral Company

Our partner Adapro who builds competences and processes for project business and strategy implementations, has received the Climate Neutral Company Certification as the first Finnish company to do so.

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26.05.2020 Haaga-Helia students win the Project Management Championship Finals 2020 – smooth presentation and clear content of their solution made the difference

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences students Ekaterina Zhegalina, Hans Kärtner, Obisesa Abiodun and Sharon Cristell Quispe Cahuapoma won the University Students Project Management Championship [PMC] of 2020. In addition to Haaga-Helia, the teams of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and Turku University of Applied Sciences were on the podium.

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