FAQ - Frequently asked Questions

The certification process might raise questions. To help you out we have gather the most frequently asked ones here on this webpage.

Are there mathematic assignments in the exam?
  • There are some mathematic assignments in certification exam.
Does the exam require knowledge of mathematic formulas?
  • Certification exam assess candidate’s skills to understand and implement knowledge. Mathematic formulas are not asked in the exam so that you would need to memorize them.
Is level C exam/process possible to take in other languages than Finnish?
  • Yes, you can also do the process in English.
I am a project manager in University research projects. We have several financiers. How do I put that on the application?
  • Mention your biggest financier and how many other financiers you have.
I have done multiple short projects annually. There aren’t enough lines in the application form. What should I do?
  • Merge similar projects as one in the application (and explain why they are combined). Mention in the application that you have had X number of projects.
During my long career I have worked as a project manager in multiple roles and fields. Now I work as a portfolio manager. To which level B certification should I aim for?
  • The answer depends on which type of commission you are planning to use in your report. You have to have enough experience on this specific field.
I’m not sure if I have enough experience for level B certification. Is it possible to apply for level B and if experience isn’t enough, can I switch to level C certification (with the same payment)?
  • If B level application is denied but you do have enough experience for level C, we will not charge the level B application denial when the candidate changes for level C instead.
I work as a consultant on a major transformation project for a client, responsible for development of personnel skills. Does this kind of assignment count as experience in certification process?
  • Have you worked in a supervising role in this project or as a consulting specialist? If you have a supervising role and have used project management and/or agile project management techniques, then this experience can be taken into account. However, note that complexity of your assignments defines which level of certificate you can apply to. Before applying you should read the requirements for certification.
What course should I take before level C certification process?
  • This depends greatly on the background of the candidate. It is advised to read attachment 2 of application package about self-evaluation and reflect what competences one should develop further. Association of Project Professionals Finland’s webpage has a list of organisations providing training and coaching in project management. (Note! Webpage is in Finnish)