How Can Your Organisation Benefit from IPMA® Certification?

Are you offering professional project management services or products? Do you wish to show your organisation's professionality and stand out? If yes, we recommend certifying your staff with IPMA® Project Management Certificates.

Certification will provide your organisation with competitive advantages over your competion or help you to stand out in bidding competitions.

Read more about IPMA® Certification.

Objective Qualitative Indicator of Project Management Competence

A certification granted by IPMA® serves as concrete proof of the competences of your project managers and leaders. It is a globally acknowledged achievement which entitles its holder to use IPMA® Granted title. Certificates also proof the quality and transparency of project activities in the company or organisation.

What is IPMA®?

IPMA®, International Project Management Association, is one of the leading project management organisations in the world. IPMA® operates in over 70 countries and has more than 150 000 members. Over 23 000 IPMA® Certificates are granted around the world annually and over 250 000 people have been certified already. The Association of Project Professionals Finland exclusively certifies IPMA® Certifications  in Finland.

Concrete Benefits for Project Management

In addition to the prestige that certification grants, it also offers practical benefits for your company's projects. Certificates provide concrete means and theories for project management: a certified project manager can control projects effectively as a whole. Your certified project manager will be able to lead proactively which allows you, the project owner, to avoid big surprises and to make decisions in good time.

Framework for Project Professionals’ Career

The IPMA® Certification System also offers an excellent framework for project professionals’ career development. Having a concrete and acknowledged system leads to motivating and clear milestones for individual professional development in project management and leadership. The certification process can also be integrated easily into organisations’ training and development policies. 

Organisation Specific Certifications

Companies and organisations can arrange an organisation specific certification round. Customised certification events can be arranged throughout Finland* if at least 10 people participate in the certification. Certification events can be scheduled for desired periods, such as before starting a project or after a training course has concluded.

* Currently all certifications are held online. Ask more about organisational certification from Coordinator Netta Kiiskinen (contact information below).

Note that certification prices are always lower for members of Project Professionals Finland, so we encourage you to consider membership. Read more about the Project Professionals Finland.

More information: Johanna Packalen, johanna.packalen(a)


Cimcorp Group delivers complex and international logistics automation projects.
For project business to be successful, it is important that our project managers have the required know-how and that we can also display it to our international customers. Our customers value professionals with IPMA certificates.

We had IPMA certification prepping in collaboration with the Finnish Project Management Association Finland , and all 11 people who participated in certification received their certificate. In addition to certificates, the prepping also gave us a lot of ideas and tools for further improving our project activities.

The prepping and certification of project management was realised effectively, and our business benefited immediately from it. I can recommend it wholeheartedly!’
- Jari Jylli, Certified Projects Director, Cimcorp Oy-