IPMA Delta® – Assessment and certification of organisational project capability
A tool for project development
IPMA Delta is a tool for organisations that are systematically developing their project capabilities and want to reach a new level of project performance. When an organisation has a large number of projects, it is important to systematically develop its activities so that each new project is more successful than the last. Continuous improvement starts with a common culture in the organisation and competent project professionals.
The success of projects depends on the interplay of the organisation’s functions and the support of the management system. Management, administration, sales, purchasing, HR, customer service, IT, lawyers, product development and production all contribute to the success of a project. IPMA Delta is a tool for the organisation’s management and PMOs to help make projects more successful.
The IPMA Delta assessment provides a comprehensive and up-to-date fact-based view of the current state of an organisation’s project capability. The assessment results in a development plan and a road-map to help steer the organisation towards better project capability.
The IPMA Delta assessment is based on information collected and analysed about the organisation and looks at areas such as:
- Mission, vision and strategy
- Project management capability and performance
- Policies and working models
- Skills and process development
- Management system and the role of management in project activities
- Active projects, portfolios and programmes
The results of the evaluation work provide the basis for long-term and systematic development, which will support the organisation’s journey towards better project performance and improved results.

The result of the IPMA Delta assessment reflects well the current state of project management capability in the 2M-IT organisation and helped to identify the main areas for continuous improvement.
Tia Melava, 2M-IT
When will IPMA Delta help?
The IPMA Delta assessment provides clear answers about the status and maturity level of an organisation’s project activities. The IPMA Delta Assessment adds significant value to the organisation by providing a concrete and honest indication of the main areas for improvement and action in the project activities.
The IPMA Delta Assessment helps to understand the links between projects and other activities and to identify frictions between processes. The results of the assessment support the achievement of the organisation’s strategic objectives and provide a basis for successful project activities.
It will raise the profile of project activities and raise awareness of the importance of projects and the benefits of continuous improvement.
The IPMA Delta assessment is based on the international standards for project management, the most important of which is the IPMA Organisational Competence Baseline (OCB).
In Finland, IPMA Delta certification has been awarded to Kela IT, Citec/Cyient, the City of Helsinki Urban Environment Department and 2M-IT Oy.
More information about IPMA Delta: Jouko Kaaja, 0400 403 145
Order the free IPMA Delta brochure here