
We have a wide network of local project professionals as well as large international community behind us. Down below you can learn more about our great network of porject professionals – after all, we are the largest project professional association in Finland!

On this page:

  • IPMA® – International Project Management Association
  • Nordnet

IPMA® – International Project Management Association

IPMA® is world's first project professionals' association. Its beginning goes all the way to year 1965. IPMA®, International Project Management Association, is the international umbrella organisation for local project associations all over the world.

IPMA® has over 70 member associations in different countries and all together appr. 150 000 individual members. Local member associations offer services in project management and skills in their local area. Member organisations operate on local scale to connect project professionals, companies and organisations, authorities and universities and other bodies of education.

IPMA® is an independent non-profit organisation. It has a Board and member associations full of experienced project professionals. IPMA® also supports and celebrates successful projects from fields of business, education and research and awards best of them annually.

Read more about IPMA's mission to support research: More about different awards: and

IPMA®'s international Project Certifications are known world-wide. Within the last 20 years more than 350 000 project professionals has completed the certification process. Read more about certification.

IPMA Young Crew is international network for young project professionals and those who wish to become one. It is a special community for those under the age of 35. IPMA Young Crew is a platform for young professionals to exchange ideas and experiences, network and professional growth. Read about international Young Crew activities.


Nordnet is a Nordic coalation of project associations. It was founded 1981 to create collaboration and to further exchange of knowledge between local associatios. At 2014 the members of Nordnet signed a cooperation agreement with Baltic project associations.

Nordic project associations founded Nordnet network to develop project management and to serve as a platform for exchange of ideas and experiences between member countries.

Nordnet members:

  • Projektiammattilaiset ry / Association of Project Professionals Finland (Finland )
  • Svenskt Projektforum (Sweden)
  • Norsk Forening for Prosjektledelse (Norway)
  • Dansk Projektledelse (Denmark)
  • Verkefnastjórnunarfélag Íslands (Iceland)
  • Eesti Projektijuhtimise Assotsiatsioon (Estonia)
  • Latvijas Nacionālā projektu vadīšanas asociācija (Latvia)
  • Lietuvos projektų valdymo asiociacijos (Lithuania)
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