Young Crew Finland
Join the network for young project professionals and evolve in your career!

Develop your skills and network
Young Crew Finland, also known as YC, is a network of young project professionals. As a member, you network, learn new things and develop as a project professional. Our activities extend beyond the borders of Finland and as a member of YC Finland you are part of the international IPMA® Young Crew network. The aim of the network is to help young future makers to increase their skills, to raise interest in project work and to ensure project skills for the future.
Welcome to join us!
Young Crew is for young project professionals under 35 years old and aspiring project professionals. So whether you are already a professional, a student or just getting interested in project work, you are welcome to join us! We don’t care about your industry, experience or skills. All you need is a willingness to get involved and an interest in project work!

Get active and develop your skills
Young Crew Finland organises many events, after-work events and visits to well-known companies. We also organise annual international project management competitions. As part of YC, you belong to Finland’s largest project industry association, the Association of Project Professionals (PRY) and the international IPMA® Young Crew network, which supports your growth.