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31.05.2021 10:45

IPMA® Project Management Championship Finnish Semi-final Winner has been Announced

National IPMA® Project Management Championship, PMC, Competition Semi-final was held in Finland the 28th of May. The win, and place in the International Competition, was secured by Team Rainbow from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Team members are Diana Codilla, Olli-Pekka Kaleva and Tiia Virtanen.

PMC is an International Project Management Competition for students studying in University or University of Applied Sciences. In the competition teams compete first on a national level against other national teams and then on a global arena with other countries’ national winners for the final win. The competition aims for networking of young project talents and to better communication between academic and corporation worlds. Teams from four universities participated in the qualification round.

The winning team Rainbow got the Jury’s points with their solid and professional performance. Their realistic and systematic approach, good team building and teamwork skills as well as broad execution for planning and project management got the Jury’s praise. Most of all their excellent teamwork secured them this year’s title.

The winners commented the competition and their win as exciting and nerving in a good way. Diana Codilla told that she could hardly sleep over the excitement: ”I was really excited for the competition and I couldn’t sleep well the previous night”. Tiia Virtanen thought this competition is super important for her career. As a career changer it meant more than just participating in the competition:

This has been very important for me, I got experience but also confidence about my career choice. It feels good to be a winner!

The Jury made notions about each team’s organising skills and how they seemed to start their project from details instead of the big picture as one would expect. In the end the winning team did convince them about their project management skills. Jury member Sina Moradi commented: ”Good team work and their more systematic approach to the task led to their success.

Next the winning team needs to prepare for the International Competition which, due to special circumstances, is held as a hybrid event this year. The Finnish Team will not travel but participates virtually from our home country. Our national competition was fully online for the second time because of these special circumstances. The International Final is in Belgrade, Serbia, 10th-12th of September. And as already mentioned, it will be a hybrid event meaning some competitors will attend in person while others will participate remotely. Additionally, this year there will be an exclusive workshop about Project Management for everyone who participated in this year’s competition – regardless of their ranking or success in national competition.

Still smiling at the end of the day, all participants of PMC 2021.

Did you know – PMC Competition was originally invented in Finland by the Young Crew of Association of Project Professionals Finland (then called Project Association Finland). The competition later grew into IPMA’s international young project students’ competition that it is today. This year’s national competition was organised by new Young Crew Finland and its skilled Board Members.

IPMA® International Project Management Association is the umbrella organisation for local project management associations all around the world. It is a non-profit, independent organisation with member associations from more than 70 countries and over 150 000 individual members.


More information on PMC Competition: Sina Moradi​, Project Manager​, +35840 2519 437​,



Text: Else Halttunen, Project Professionals Finland

Picture: Project Professionals Finland

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