Drafting and handling applications

Drafting of the application

The English-language application for REG certification is drafted on IPMA's website.

Instructions for preparing the application:
  1. Log in to myipma.ipma.world. If you haven't visited the site before, register as a user.
  2. Create your own profile > My profile
  3. Create your own organization Organizations > Create Organization
  4. Create a REG application in My Courses/Programs > Create Courses and Programs
Read the English instructions here.

Information needed for the application

General information about the organization and the course/training program.
  • Organizer's name
    • Official name mentioned in official documents
  • Organizer's address
    • Official address (street, city, country)
  • Web address of the organizer
    • The official website of the organization applying for the certificate
  • The phone number and email address of the organizer
  • The person responsible for the course/programme
    • Name, surname, position and contact information (Main contact person during and after the evaluation process)
  • Date of application
    • Application submission date (this date is used as the start date of the certification process)
  • Name of the course/programme
    • When declaring the name of the course/training program, important:
      • The name must be in the same language as the course/training program itself
      • The name can be informative (e.g. Project Stakeholder Management) or attractive (e.g. Happy Projects)
      • The name must not contain the names of institutions such as the UN, PMI, EU
        • Special cases are the names of preparatory courses/training programs for IPMA certification, where the level of the preparatory course must always be mentioned (e.g. for the IPMA Level C exam)
  • Type of course/training program
    • The name of the IPMA REG certificate to be applied for
  • Quick description
    • The description must not exceed 100 words
  • Keywords
    • No more than five keywords that describe the proposed course/training program
    • Keywords must be aligned with IPMA ICB4 terminology.
  • Website of the course/training program
    • Each course/training program that applies for the IPMA REG certificate must have its own homepage. It will be used as a link to market global IPMA REG certified courses and training programs on the IPMA website. It should contain all the most important information about this application form.
  • Available language options
    • The languages ​​in which the course/training program is offered and for which the IPMA REG certificate is applied for.
    • All materials for IPMA REG certification must be available in all languages ​​mentioned. In the evaluation, the REG director and REG evaluators check that the course/training program is available and can be implemented in all the languages ​​mentioned in the application.
  • Total number of hours of attendance
    • The number of direct attendance hours required to complete the course/training program.
    • Direct attendance hours are hours that participants/students must spend in a classroom or be personally present in an online environment.
  • Delivery method
    • Face-to-face (in the classroom), an online environment or a combined format (partly face-to-face and partly online).
  • Key expert
    • A key expert is a professional trainer or professor who works for an education provider or educational institution. He has significant experience in project management training.
    • The role of the key expert in this process is to bring added value to the evaluated course/training program (IPMA evaluates both the content and the key personnel during the delivery of the course or training program).
    • The key expert must have at least an IPMA CCT level C certificate or, in the transition phase, the key expert must meet the CCT level C criteria (In the last 3 years, 6 months of experience, either at least 500 hours as a trainer in the field or worked at an educational institution as a professor in the area of ​​project management.)
  • Self-assessment
    • The self-assessment is performed by a highly experienced professional from project management training (from the applicant's organization or outside it).
    • The self-assessor and the key expert cannot be the same person.
    • By signing the application, the self-assessor confirms that the course/training program meets the criteria for IPMA registration and is of sufficient quality for international certification.
    • Courses/training programs that have never been organized before the application cannot be certified.
    • A self-assessor is a person with at least an IPMA CCT level B certificate (in the transition phase, the self-assessor must meet the CCT level B criteria, i.e. at least 3 years of experience and at least 1000 training hours are required within 5 years).
  • Signatures
    • The application is signed by the organization's official representative, key expert and self-evaluator.
  • Mandatory additional documents
    • Either the trade register extract of the education provider or a document on the accreditation of the educational institution must be uploaded to the system in PDF format.

  • The professional CVs of the organization's official representative, key expert and self-assessor must be uploaded to the system in PDF format.
  • The CV must clearly show sufficient experience for the aforementioned role.

Curriculum of the course/training program according to the application

  • Expected learning outcomes of the course/training program
    • Define 3 to 10 main learning outcomes.
  • Content of the course/training program
    • The applicant must indicate all the most important subjects.
    • The applicant selects all qualification elements that are included in the course/training program in such a way that at least two attendance hours per qualification are mandatory.
    • An exception is acceptable for preparatory training that includes all competence elements and requires at least one attendance hour per qualification.
    • Other competence elements that are not covered by ICB4 can be explained in this section.
  • Format of the course/training program
    • The applicant chooses the format of the course/training program he/she is applying for. These include lectures, seminars, simulations and workshops
  • Key literature and other material
    • The literature must be recent (not more than 5 years old), relevant and covering the topics of the course/programme.

Application processing

The IPMA Profession Development Manager sends the received application to PRY's REG director, Timo Saroksen, who checks that the application is filled out correctly and appoints two local REG assessors to assess the application.

After the course is approved, the applicant signs a contract with PRY. Ask Head of Certification Body Timo Saros for more information about the contract (timo.saros(a)pry.fi)

Approved courses/training programs receive the right to use the REG logo from IPMA and can use the REG logo in the marketing of the course/training program.

IPMA publishes a certified course/training program on the official IPMA channels, where quality courses/training programs are offered to everyone. See REG-certified courses and training programs here.

PRY also publishes REG-certified courses and training programs on its website in Finland.