Assessment criteria and completion phases of certificates

Assesment criteria for the certificate

In the IPMA REG certification process, the evaluation is based on the application and the marketing and course material of the course/training program. The goal is to assess the possibility of the participant in the training to raise the IPMA ICB qualifications according to the marketing material and content. The starting point of the evaluation is that the course/training program deals with one or more qualifications according to the ICB for at least two attendance hours/qualification.

Qualifications according to ICB 4.0 are:

Learn more about the IPMA Competence Baseline

IPMA REG certification has five stages:
  1. The applicant prepares an English-language application via IPMA's website.
  2. The IPMA REG Director checks the applicant's formal eligibility and requests additional information if necessary.
  3. PRY appoints two independent PRY local IPMA REG assessors to carry out the assessment.
  4. PRY grants or rejects the IPMA REG certificate.
  5. The applicant can file an appeal against the rejecting decision to IPMA.

If you need advice or clarifications about the application process, you can always contact PRY's certification manager Timo Saros, timo.saros(a)

Read more about the preparation and processing of the application.