
IPMA® Project Management Certificates are valid for five (5) years from the granting of the certification. To keep the certificate valid, it must be renewed every five years. Read renewal criteria for each different certification level from below.

A re-certification application can be submitted earliest six (6) months before the certificate expires and it must be submitted latest within six (6) months from the expiration of the certificate. After the six-month deadline from the expiration date, a certificate can no longer be renewed. After this period the whole certification process must be completed from the beginning.

The exact date of expiration you'll find on IPMA's webpage. Note that the date is MM/DD/YYYY.

Changing the domain of the certificate

You can change the domain of the certificate during the renewal. The domains are defined in the ICB and they are project, programme, portfolio and Agile Leader. Project and Agile Leader domains are available on all levels A-D and programme and portfolio are available on levels A and B. The change can be made only to another domain on the same level. By changing the domain you must have enough experience required for the renewal of the domain. 

Re-certification with Electronic Application

The re-certification process is initiated once the applicant fills out an electronic application and the required appendices to the certification system. If the application assessor deems that evidence provided by the applicant for re-certification is inadequate, the applicant can be invited to an interview in which the missing evidence need to be presented.

Download instructions for submitting a re-certificate application to the certification system (Re-certification – applicant).

When renewing a Level D Certificate, the applicant must show evidence of continuous developed in project management capabilities for the last five (5) years. Minimum 35 hours a year, totalling 175 hours in five (5) years. Continuous self-development can include for example courses, congresses, giving lectures, writing articles, research, self-study and reading professional literature.

A Level D re-certification application requires one separate appendix. In addition, a free-form CV with the information of at least five previous years’ work assignments must be attached to the application.

Download appendix, required for the application

Note: choose the right level on the top of the application form so the application is referred to the correct assessor.

Fill out the electronic application in the certification system.


Level D 220 € (for members 120 €)

VAT will be added to prices. The sum is invoiced when re-certificate is granted.

Due to faulty or insufficient invoicing details provided by the candidate a charge of 100 € + VAT for re-invoicing will be added.

When re-certifying on levels C, B or A, the applicant must show evidence of minimum 30 months of practical experience over five-year period in corresponding position(s) to the domain and level they are applying in. In addition the applicant must show evidence of continuous development of professional skills during said period, minimum of 35 hours per year, totalling 175 hours in five years. Continuous self-development can include for example courses, congresses, giving lectures, writing articles, research, self-study and reading professional literature.

A level C, B and A re-certification application requires one separate appendix. In addition, a free-form CV containing a report on any contributions by the applicant in developing project management tools, techniques, methods, know-how etc. must be attached to the application.

Download appendix , required for the application

Note: choose the right certification level on the application form so the application is referred to the correct assessor.

Fill out the electronic application in the certification system.


Level C 495 € (for members 395 €)
Level B 550 € (for members 450 €)
Level A 605 € (for members 505 €)

VAT will be added to all prices. The sum is invoiced when re-certificate is granted.

Due to faulty or insufficient invoicing details provided by the candidate a charge of 100 € + VAT for re-invoicing will be added.