Get Your Application Started Right Now!

The certification process for all levels and domains always starts with ordering an application package. The application package contains more detailed information on how the application process works, along with all necessary instructions. Order your application package below!

Fill in the form and choose the right certification level. You will receive the application package to your e-mail. Note that you'll need to accept the cookies to be able to fill in the form.

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Certificate prices

  • Level D: 825 € (600 € for Project Professionals Finland’s members)
    • Total sum will be invoiced after the exam. A failed exam can be retaken once with no additional costs.
  • Level C: 2 200 € (1850 € for Project Professionals Finland’s members)
    • Invoiced when the certificate is issued. For a failed exam 500 € will be charged. However, a failed exam can be retaken once with this fee. Invoice will be sent after the first failed exam and the sum of 500 € will be deducted from the final invoice should the candidate pass the exam on the second attempt.
  • Level B: 4 400 € (3 850 € for Project Professionals Finland’s members)
    • Invoiced after the application assessment has been completed. The exam can be retaken once. If application is rejected 500 € will be charged.
  • Level A: 5 500 € (4 850 € for Project Professionals Finland’s members)
    • Invoiced after the application assessment has been completed. If application is rejected 500 € will be charged.
All prices are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. Members of Association of Project Professionals Finland get a discount if the membership fee is paid before applying for certification. 

Read more about our membership.

The unemployed, Defence Forces conscripts, pensioners and full-time students

  • Level D: 450 €, inc. VAT
    • Certification price for the unemployed, Finnish Defence Forces conscripts, pensioners and full-time students (see definition according to TE Services). The total sum is invoiced after the exam. Failed exam can be retaken once without additional costs.

    Payment and Cancellation Terms for Certification

    These terms are applied to all of our certification events.

    Cancellation later than 10 business days before the start of the event, we will charge 50 % of the event’s price as office expenses. If cancellation is not done or the participant does not arrive at the event, the whole price of certification will be charged.

    In cases of illness (or other pressing causes) we will not charge the participation fee, provided that the candidate delivers us a medical certificate (or other corresponding document).

    The candidate may do a one-time re-scheduling of their participation in a certification event within 10 business days before the start of the event. In such case, we will charge 100 € + VAT for the rescheduling as office expenses. Any cancellation or rescheduling must be done via email at

    Due to faulty or insufficient invoicing details provided by the candidate a charge of 100 € + VAT for re-invoicing will be added.

    Invoice will be send

    • on levels C and D: once you have completed your exam
    • on levels A and B: once your application assessment has been completed

    Our payment terms cover 14 days. Applicable value-added tax will be added to the prices. Should a certification event have to be cancelled, we will send a notice two weeks at the latest before the event starts. We reserve all rights to changes.

    Exam dates

    26.09.2024 IPMA® Certification exam Verkossa Online
    23.10.2024 IPMA® Certification exam Verkossa Online
    21.11.2024 IPMA® Certification exam Verkossa Online
    26.11.2024 IPMA® Certification exam PRIVATE Verkossa Online
    17.12.2024 IPMA® Certification exam Verkossa Online

    Once you have downloaded the application package and prepared the necessary attachments, you can submit your application through the certification system at all levels. At levels A and B, you can enrol in an open certification round. At levels C and D, select the certification round based on a suitable exam day.

    Certification rounds with open enrolment are marked with an arrow in the upper right corner of the certification round name.

    The assessors will process the applications and you will receive information on the progress of the certification process at the e-mail address you provided to the certification system.

    Participation in the exam requires the acceptance of a separate non-disclosure agreement. The agreement is accepted before the exam in the certification system. Please read the agreement carefully in advance: NDA.