Become an IPMA Certified Consultant, Coach or Trainer

IPMA has released a new certificate for Consultants, Coaches and Trainers in project management, IPMA CCT-Certificate. 

IPMA CCT complies with the IPMA ICB4 qualification specification. ICB4 is complemented by the IPMA Reference Guide for Consultants, Coaches and Trainers (IPMA ICB4 CCT), which provides more detail on project consulting, coaching and training and the competencies required.

Read more about IPMA CCT certificate 

Take a look: IPMA Reference Guide for Consultants, Coaches and Trainers 

The CCT competency structure is the same triad as the IPMA Individual Competence Baseline (ICB) competency definition: People - Perspective - Practice.

Eligibility and choosing the right CCT-Certificate level

There are three different levels of IPMA certification in CCT: C, B and A. The level is determined by the applicant's experience and competence in consulting, coaching and training. Take a closer look at the requirements listed below and find your own level certificate!

Please note that there is no D-level in CCT certification where the applicant is not yet required to have significant work experience. This differs from 4-L-C certification and is due to the nature of consulting, coaching and training.

Eligibility requirements

The choice of certification level depends on the applicant's experience in consulting and coaching / training and the complexity of the consulting and coaching / training assignments he / she has led. Eligibility requirements have been defined for each role and level of the IPMA CCT.

At all levels, the applicant must hold an IPMA Level A, B, C, or D certificate, or at least an approved IPMA Level D exam.

IPMA CCT eligibility requirements at different levels of C / B / A

- Acts as Consultant and / or Coach or a Trainer with moderate subject matter expertise for individuals and groups of individuals in project management

- Within the last 3 years the candidate shall have minimum of 6 months experience with minimum 500 working hours as a Consultant, Coach or a Trainer in project management consulting or coaching or training activities.

(your job title may have been, for example, a consultant / trainer, a training expert, a junior consultant / trainer)

- Responsible for developing and delivering consultancy, coaching or training services on individual, team or organisational level.

- Services have had a significant impact on the development of project activities / project management and leadership for individuals, teams or organizations.

- Within the last 5 years the candidate shall have, minimum of 3 years’ experience with minimum total 1000 working hours as consultant, coach or trainer in project management consulting, coaching or training activities.

(your job title may have been, for example, training / consulting manager, senior consultant / trainer)

- Responsible for leading the development and delivery of consultancy, coaching or training services that have strategic impact on the individuals’, teams’ or organisations’ professional development.

- Within the last 8 years, the candidate shall have minimum 5 years experience with 1500 working hours of consultancy, coaching or training services.

(your job title may have been eg Lead Consultant / Trainer, Training / Consulting Director, Management Consultant / Trainer)

Consulting, coaching or training experience

The applicant shall provide in their application examples of consultancy, coaching or training assignments in which they have worked to demonstrate that their experience meets the eligibility criteria at that level. The application must provide a more detailed reference implementation of the consultation / coaching / training that best describes the applicant's experience. No more than two years may have elapsed since the date of submission of the application.

The right title for a certified professional

Once the candidate has completed the certification process at a certain level, they are entitled to use the professional title for that level.

Possible professional titles for certified consultants and coaches and trainers are:

IPMA Level-A: 

Certified Executive Consultant & Coach (CECC) 

Certified Executive Trainer (CET)

IPMA Level-B: 

Certified Senior Consultant & Coach (CSCC)

Certified Senior Trainer (CST)

IPMA Level-C: 

Certified Consultant & Coach (CCC)

Certified Trainer (CT)

Certification process

CCT certification proceeds as follows:

1. The applicant orders the application forms from sertifiointi(a)

2. The applicant shall be provided with instructions on how to prepare an application and the necessary forms

3. The applicant returns the application and the necessary attachments to sertifiointi(a)

4. The two designated CCT assessors shall verify the applicant's eligibility and, if necessary, request further information

5. Once the application has been approved, the CCT assessors will send instructions to the candidate for the preparation of the reference descriptions.

6. The two designated CCT assessors shall review the reference descriptions and, if necessary, request further information

7. Once the reference descriptions have been approved, the candidate will be invited for an interview.

8. Based on the interview, a decision is made to approve or reject the certificate

Renewal of the certificate

Certificates issued by IPMA® are valid for five years from the date of issue. After that, the certificate must be renewed.

An application for renewal of a certificate may be submitted no earlier than six months before the expiry date of the certificate and shall be submitted no later than six months after the expiry date. After the expiry of the six-month period, the certificate may no longer be renewed, and the certification process must be completely repeated.

This service is new, and the renewal application form has not yet been specified. The renewal application form is however similar to the initial certification form. Renewal will be granted based on an approved renewal application.

If you are interested in CCT certification, we will be happy to tell you more and advise you on how to start and proceed with the CCT certification application process. For futher information, please contact jouko.kaaja(a)