IPMA Global Young Crew Workshop, Rovaniemi, Finland

Once-in-a-lifetime educational experience in Finnish Lapland in winter 2024!

IPMA Young Crew in association with Project Professionals Finland invites the project management community to the Global Young Crew Workshop and Global Conference 2024. The event offers high quality academic education in partnership with the University of Oulu, Finland, together with high level executive project management and change management keynotes, from different industries.

Participants will get an immersive and hands-on experience on implementing a change and adapting to ever altering business surroundings. Project managers, change managers and executives in varying fields will gain insights to bring value to their business, organizations, or networks.

The city of Rovaniemi is the official hometown of Santa Claus and the capital of Finnish Lapland. A friendly town surrounded by Arctic nature, where Lappish culture and a wide range of activities can be enjoyed all year round. And of course, here, you can cross the Arctic Circle! Rovaniemi offers fairy-tale surroundings and a pinch of Christmas magic.

What? IPMA Global Young Crew Workshop
Where? Rovaniemi, Finland
When? 9-11th of January 2024
Price? 650 € (including high quality educational program, meals, a gala dinner and freetime activities. Travel expenses or accommodation are not included)

How to buy a ticket? You can now buy a ticket on ipma shop here 

If you want more information about this event, please subscribe on this mailing list.

Check out also the official event page.

Navigating change

This workshop is all about navigating change. Managing change is an important part of any project, including the implementation of a new information system or organizational transformation. It requires different skills and competences compared to project management. This workshop focuses on change at the team and organizational level and explores how it is managed and experienced by different actors involved. Additionally, we briefly discuss change in an inter-organizational and societal context, such as addressing climate change.

We adopt a process perspective on change and cover all phases of a successful change project:

  1. Recognition of the need for change and initiating the process
  2. Diagnosis of what needs to be changed and formulating a vision for the future state
  3. Planning for change
  4. Implementing change and reviewing progress
  5. Sustaining change
For each phase, we provide theoretical background and core practices, which are then applied in case-based group assignments to manage change effectively. Key factors for successful change, such as managing and leading people, learning and adjusting change accordingly, and engaging stakeholders, are also identified. We pay special attention to utilizing resistance to change in order to achieve successful and sustainable results.
Lectures and keynote speakers will share practical insights on applying change management in real-world scenarios. However, the primary learning methods are practical assignments and peer learning. In the final exercise, participants will work with an organization managed by AI-based actors to implement a change initiative.


Professor Jaakko Kujala holds an M.Sc. (Eng) in Computer Science and a Dr. (Tech) in Industrial Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology (HUT). Before assuming his position as a professor at the University of Oulu, he worked for over 10 years at Valmet Corporation, a leading manufacturer of paper machines worldwide. He also completed his doctoral research at Valmet, focusing specifically on quality management in project-based organizations.

After receiving his doctoral degree, he worked at HUT, conducting research on both project and healthcare management. However, the management or governance of complex projects involving multiple organizations and actors has always been his main research interest.

In 2015, during his sabbatical year, he was a visiting professor at Stanford University, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering. Recently, his research activities have focused more on project simulation and games, especially their use in supporting learning.

What you don’t see in his CV? In his free time, he is an enthusiastic ice hockey player and also holds a professional fishing license!

Associate Professor Kirsi Aaltonen holds a M.Sc. (Eng) and a Dr. (Tech) in Industrial Engineering from Aalto University. She currently leads the Project Business Research Team at University of Oulu. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on stakeholder management in international projects. 

Mrs. Aaltonen has engaged in various research projects related to project business in global project-based firms, project risk and sustainability management, project governance, collaborative project delivery models, and agile project governance.

She is used to working in international research teams and has acted as a visiting researcher both at Stanford University and RMIT University in Melbourne. Her current research interests include the use of educational games in project management teaching and institutional change in project-based industries.

What you don’t see in her CV? In her free time, Kirsi is an enthusiastic singer and performs regularly in one of Finland’s top female choirs!

Mr. Reinhard Wagner looks back on more than 35 years of professional experience in public service, the private sector as well as in non-profit organizations. The topic of projects has been a common thread throughout his life. He has not only implemented many projects, advised governments and business leaders in the implementation of projects as a consultant, but has also shaped the project management through GPM and IPMA for many years. 

Mr. Wagner is currently managing director of the Tiba Transformation Group, a leading consultancy in Germany that guides companies through change and transformation. He has published more than 40 books on project and change management and has been supervising students of master programs as well as doctoral students in project management since 1999.

His main field of interest is projectification at the level of society, as in how projects change the way of working and living, what projects are for us and why we use them so intensively. He analyses the psychological and social aspects of working with projects and projects as a tool for making your dreams real.

What you don’t see in his CV? He has worked with the Massai in Africa and once climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!