
Navigating work life as a young professional

03.02.2025 klo 10 – 12

Hanken Business Lab, Arkadiankatu 22, 00100 Helsinki,

IPMA Young Crew Finland warmly welcomes you to join us in this workshop. Goal of this workshop is to find our compasses and learn how to use it to navigate our way trough the Finnish work life as a young professional. Our speaker will guide you on this journey by sharing their experiences and give you tools on how to unleash your full potential and become an empowered professional when building your career. You can also gain useful tips on how to land you first job, internship or a summer job.

You will learn from the keynote speakers about their journey in Finland and familiar yourself with Finnish work culture and career building opportunities.

We will dive for example in the following topics:

  • Networking to create opportunities
  • A guided path to the question of ‘what you want in career’
  • Cultural integration to professional excellence
  • Build your personal and professional brand

We can only take 50 people to this workshop so sign up fast! This event is free of charge.


9.50 doors open
10.00 welcome
10.10 introducing YC
10.20 speaker – Shalini Sharma
10.50 break
11.00 speaker – Joppe Quaedvlieg
11.30 Q&A / networking


Shalini Sharma

”She has a versatile leader with over 20 years of experience across multiple industries. She has worked closely with government, universities and city entities across Finland, fostering impactful partnerships and advancing both local and international collaboration. Her expertise lies in leading strategic initiatives that drive growth, deliver results, and create sustainable opportunities.

Having navigated life as an international student and professional, she brings a unique and credible perspective on adapting, thriving, and seizing opportunities in Finland’s dynamic environment. Passionate about empowering others, she aims to share insights and strategies that help individuals and organizations achieve their goals in this vibrant landscape.”

Joppe Quaedvlieg

”By expressing ourselves in such a way that the other can understand us, and to be able to listen with making the other feel heard, we create, maintain and evolve connection. We, eventually, build something bigger than we could have done by ourselves. This is what Joppe has practiced his whole life, every second, of every hour, of every day. In the end people became a language of their own to him. A language he learned to speak, physically perform and understand in body, mind and soul. 

Joppe has invented a tool to help you dig up from your heart and soul why you do what you do. He calls this tool DESCRIPTIVE COMMUNICATION. It is a NEW method to streamline your approach to assigning tasks, removing guess work, and creating clear strategies – all based on firmly visualizing your goals before taking action. Description Communication is the main tool behind his company called Articula.”

Shalini Sharma henkilökuva
Shalini Sharma Career Coach
Joppe henkilökuva
Joppe Quaedvlieg Descriptive Communication specialist Articula

Our event is supported by and held at Hanken Business Lab, where IPMA Young Crew Finland has been a member since 2024. Read more about Hanken Business Lab here.

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