IPMA REG registration of courses and training programmes
IPMA REG is the IPMA registration for courses and training programmes in project management and project leadership. IPMA REG registration can be applied for for any project management course or training programme that addresses the IPMA Competence Baseline. Both formal education and training institutions (e.g. universities or polytechnics) and private commercial training providers can apply for registration.
Dozens of project management courses and training programmes have already been assessed internationally
Check out IPMA-registered courses and training programmes internationally
Check out IPMA registered courses and training programmes in Finland
The benefits of IPMA REG registration for training organisations:
- Reliability: the IPMA REG registration guarantees that the content of the course or training programme corresponds to the content of the marketing communication and enables the development of the IPMA qualifications promised in the marketing.
- The IPMA REG logo issued by IPMA may be used in the marketing of the course/training programme
- The course/training programme will be visible on the website of the Association of Project Professionals and in other communications. The course will be included in the IPMA REG training showcase on the IPMA international website.
- The feedback received during the registration process will highlight areas for improvement and help the course organiser to improve the content of the course/training programme.
What the REG registration terms mean:
Education = the organiser is an educational institution
Training = organised by a private commercial company
Course = course includes less than 60 attendance hours
Program = a training programme with more than 60 hours of attendance
Exam Preparation = a course or training programme aimed at obtaining a specific IPMA certificate
Six different IPMA REG registrations to choose from

REG-registration prices
- IPMA REG Exam Preparation Course, Price 3 000 € (courses with less than 60 hours attendance)
- IPMA REG Exam Preparation Programme, Price 4 000 € ( courses with more than 60 hours of attendance)
- IPMA REG Training Course. Price 2 000 € (trainings requiring less than 60 hours of attendance)
- IPMA REG Training Programme, Price 3 000 € (training courses requiring more than 60 hours attendance)
- IPMA REG Education Course, Price 2 000 € (training courses requiring less than 60 hours attendance)
- IPMA REG Education Programme, Price 3 000 € (training courses requiring more than 60 hours attendance)
VAT will be added to all of the prices unless stated otherwise.
If a course or training programme is offered in more than one language and the other language versions are to be certified at the same time, we charge 1 000 € + VAT per additional language version.