Succeed as a Project Management Professional
We are Project Professionals – network for active professionals and skillful organisations
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Näin teet erottuvan LinkedIn-profiilin ja brändäät itseäsi LinkedInissä
Ketteryys hybridiprojekteissa – Työpaja itseohjautuvuuden ja psykologisen turvallisuuden kehittämiseen
PM Club Turku: Ekskursio Turun kaupungin IT-palvelujen projektimaailmaan
Johtajuus punnitaan vaikeissa paikoissa!

Association for All Project Management Professionals in Finland
We aim to be the network for all project management professionals around the country. With us you can grow your network, create partnerships and boost your career. We offer plenty of events and activities to further your project management skills.
Since we are a Finnish association, most of our activities, events and communications are in Finnish.

IPMA® Certification
Show Your Competence with IPMA Certification
Projektimaailma magazine
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